3 Canyons of Suykutambo is a geological complex located in the Suykutambo district, Espinar province, Cusco region, at 4,801 meters above sea level.
This is a point where the gorges of three rivers converge: Apurímac, Callumani and Cerritambo to join in the Great Apurimac. It presents imposing geological formations of volcanic origin 80 meters high, and rich forests composed of queñuas (Polylepis) and tholas (Parastrephia lepidophylla). With rock formations 80 meters high, of volcanic origin, which give rise to its name and where the rivers run.
The rivers, slopes and plains of the area facilitate the practice of adventure sports such as trekking, paragliding, canoeing and rock climbing.
Nearby there are archaeological sites such as Maukallacta and Taqrachullo, the first has 44 circular and semicircular enclosures. It is the habitat of the puya Raimondi, taruca and vicuña. The area is being managed to become a regional conservation area covering 39,485 hectares.
This majestic place known as Tres Cañones or Suykutambo Canyon, because it is located in the district that bears the same name, is made up of mountains whose peaks rise monumental rock formations of volcanic origin that give the appearance of endless and mysterious stone forests.