The exhibition will be called «Peru: a journey in time» and will last three months where more than 40 extraordinary objects -some of them from…
Kuelap Fortress and Gocta Waterfall
Pack your bags and go to the Amazon region! Chachapoyas was recently declared the last safe tourist destination to visit. In this area, the imposing…
La Fortaleza de Kuélap y Cascada de Gocta
¡Empaca tus maletas y dirígete a la región amazónica! Chachapoyas fue declarado hace poco como el último destino turístico seguro para visitar. En esta zona,…
Antiguos tesoros del Perú serán exhibidos en el Museo Británico
La exposición se llamará “Perú: un viaje en el tiempo” y tendrá una duración de tres meses donde más de 40 objetos extraordinarios -algunos de…
Increased Presence of wild Animals Outsid of Protected Areas
Due to the obligatory isolation, the animals protected in the natural areas have decided to venture out and search for new lands.
As a scene of a Hollywood movie, in different parts of the world animals have taken the streets and have even entered to some houses in the midst of confinement due to the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Peru is The Best Birdwatching Destination in The World
The Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Export and Tourism (PROMPERÚ) reported that the entered country has being recognized as «Best destination for birdwatching in the world».
The ceremony was held at the Symphony Orchestra Concert Hall in Shanghai and the twelve winners were announced by Jonathan Scott, a top Kenyan wildlife photographer and host of the Big Cat, BBC-broadcast series about cats in their natural habitat.
Discover Tourist Attractions of Peru Without Leaving Home
The compulsory social isolation dictated by the State to prevent the spread of the coronavirus does not prevent you from continuing to know the world.…
Ayacucho: 10 Tourist Attractions You Cannot Miss
The city of Ayacucho is one of the best options when we think to travel with family or friends. Its tourist offer is not only…