The powerful medicinal plants of Peru:


Boldo is a shrub used by the Mapuches (indigenous) to treat different ailments, such as rheumatism, digestive and even liver disorders. It is also called Boldea, Maroon, Romadizo Lemon or Lemongrass since its leaves, when rubbed, give off a characteristic aroma reminiscent of lemon and coriander.

The parts that are used in phytotherapy are its leaves, although some countries also use the bark. Its active principles are easily extracted in an alcoholic medium and its intense fragrance is transmitted to the urine if it is taken for a long time.

The most common way to take this plant is in infusion. In addition, we can find it in other types of presentations such as dry extract in the form of capsules, essential oil, syrup or hydroalcoholic extract to take dissolved in a liquid. Currently, it is one of the most widely used medicinal plants in herbal recipes to treat the liver and gallbladder.


Plantain (Plantago major L.) is a perennial plant of the Plantaginaceae family, which grows spontaneously in all kinds of land, especially wildly in humid environments. We find it in countries in Europe, North America, North Africa and Western Asia.

The leaves, inflorescences and seeds are used from it, which are very rich in mucilage and mineral salts. The leaves can be collected throughout the year, only the tender or young ones, and they can be dried or used fresh.

Due to its nutritional wealth, the plantain can be used as food and eaten as a vegetable, salad… even the seeds can be added to thicken soups or creams.


Valeriana is a perennial herbaceous plant with an angular stem that grows up to a meter in height. It has opposite leaves and they divide along the veins to form toothed leaflets.

The flowers grow at the ends of the stem, forming groups of flowers whose peduncles are inserted at different heights and end in the same upper plane; they are white or pinkish-white in color and bloom in spring and summer.

The fruit is an achene. The part that is used for medicinal purposes is the rhizome (dried), which in this plant is very large and from which numerous secondary roots sprout that are also used.

The rhizome with its roots is harvested in autumn, after the plant is two years old, since before the roots are poor in active ingredients. Rhizomes and roots give off a penetrating and unpleasant odor even after drying.

Classification of Medicinal Plants According to Their Properties

Analgesics: plants that calm pain.

Antiphlogistics: plants that reduce inflammation.

Antispasmodics: plants that cure nervous excitement, calm the colic and muscle cramps, should be used in very small doses.

Astringent, antihemorrhagic or hemostatic: plants that have the effect of contract the tissues thus stopping bleeding and diarrhea, make more dense muscle fiber, decreasing the caliber of blood vessels and correct
the secretion of the secretory membranes.

Carminatives: they are used to combat nervous pain in the stomach and stomach. intestines caused by gas from the stomach which it expels.

Depurative: plants that purify and clean the blood and expel it from the body foreign and toxic substances from the body.

Diaphoretic or sudorific: they are plants that cause skin perspiration or sweating.

Diuretics: plants that have the property of causing urinary secretion, are It is used preferably in dropsy, high blood pressure, swelling of the feet, infection or inflammation of the kidneys and bladder.

Emmenagogues: plants that cause menstrual flow by their special action on The uterus.

Emetic: plants that produce vomiting, if the substances vomited come from the stomach are food, if they come from the duodenum they are bile.

Emollients: plants that reduce inflammation in tissues or any part of the body hardened by abscesses, ulcers, pimples and blows.

Errins: serve to increase the secretion of nasal mucus and are useful as counterirritants in chronic affections of the eyes, face and head. They can also serve to stimulate breathing and cause bodies to come out.
foreign from the nasal passages.

Stimulants: they are plants that increase the function of one of the organs.

Stomach: they are plants that fight diseases and discomforts of the stomach.

Expectorants: are plants that have the property of causing the expulsion of the mucus clogging the bronchi, trachea, and pharynx. Pectorals, antitussives: they are plants that act favorably on the respiratory organs curing their complaints and diseases and preventing the same time the cold, colds and flu, etc.

Purgatives: they are plants that cause intestinal evacuations.

Refrigerants and/or Febrifuges: serve to lower body temperature when it is increased by a morbid cause, they subtract heat and calm overexcitation.

Resolution: Plants that favor the resolution of swellings and inflammations which returns the tissues to their normal state.

Sedatives or analgesics: they are all the plants that soothe pain and soothe
any excitement.

Sialagogas: plants that have the property of increasing saliva production, They are also called chewers.

Tonics: they are plants that used for a certain time restore gradually the tone of the organism that is to say that they make the muscular fiber more strong and elastic, giving greater consistency to all tissues and organs.

Vermifuges: they are the plants that fight worms and all kinds of parasites
of the intestine.

Vulnerary: plants that heal wounds, sprains, fractures and blows.