The Laguna de Salinas is located at 4300 m.a.s.l. on the south side of the National Reserve of Salinas and Aguada Blanca, in the Peasant Community of Salinas Huito, in the district of San Juan de Tarucani, province of Arequipa, Peruvian territory.

It is an endorheic lagoon of shallow waters (shallow) in which borate and other compounds are deposited that give it that whitish color.

It is the preferred place for bird watchers, since there are an infinity of endemic and migratory birds, especially the three varieties of South American flamingos (common, Andean and James).

It is visited by carriageway, between the Misti and the Pichu Pichu, (Chiguata Route), approximately 3 to 4 hours from the city of Arequipa.

The landscape is impressive, you can see flora (such as queñua and yareta), and high Andean fauna: vizcachas, tarucas, South American camelids such as vicuñas, llamas and alpacas; high Andean birds such as: guayatas or Andean goose, Andean ducks, among others.

In addition, you can see the Misti and Ubinas volcanoes, the latter in an eruptive state.

Weighted visiting time 6 hours.

It has recognition as a Ramsar site, that is, protection and international importance, because it contributes to global biological conservation.

The 13 RAMSAR sites that Peru has are:

  1. Paracas National Reserve (Ica)
  2. Pacaya Samiria National Reserve (Loreto)
  3. Lagunas de Mejía National Sanctuary (Arequipa)
  4. Junín National Reserve (Junín and Pasco)
  5. Lake Titicaca (Peruvian sector), Puno
  6. Tumbes Mangroves National Sanctuary (Tumbes)
  7. Los Pantanos de Villa Wildlife Refuge (Lima)
  8. Bofedales and Salinas Lagoons (Arequipa)
  9. Laguna del Indio – Dam of the Spaniards (Arequipa)
  10. Las Arreviatadas Lagoons (Cajamarca)
  11. Pastaza River Fan Wetland Complex (Loreto)
  12. The Lucre Wetland – Huacarpay (Cusco)
  13. The mangroves of San Pedro de Vice (Piura)